Market Report by Muleshoe Livestock Auction Inc.

Market Report by Muleshoe Livestock Auction Inc.

Cattle: October 4, 2024

Cattle: Price:
200-300 LB STRS: $300-$350 wt
300-400 LB STRS: $290-$340 wt
400-500 LB STRS: $285-$320 wt
500-600 LB STRS: $240-$285 wt
600-700 LB STRS: $230-$255 wt
700-800 LB STRS: $215-$230 wt
800 up LB STRS: $175-$215 wt
Cattle: Price:
200-300 LB HFRS: $270-$330 wt
300-400 LB HFRS: $260-$325 wt
400-500 LB HFRS: $245-$270 wt
500-600 LB HFRS: $225-$255 wt
600-700 LB HFRS: $200-$225 wt
700-800 LB HFRS: $175-$225 wt
800 up LB HFRS: $165-$210
Cattle: Price:
Pairs: ---
Bred Cows: ---
Packer Cows-High Yield: $120-$130 wt
Packer Cows-Low Yield: $100-$115 wt
Holsteins: $105-$125 wt
Bulls: $130-$155
Holstein Hfrs: $120-$170 wt


Hogs: Price:
Feeder Pigs: $100-$170/per lb
200-300 LB Hogs: $75-$100
300-400 LB Sows: $50-$60
400-500 LB Sows: $40-$50
500-600 LB Sows: $40-$50
Boars: $10-$30


Sheep: Price:
Lambs-Fder: $175-$220 /lb
Lambs-Fat: $175-$205/ lb
Bucks: $150-$250/pr hd
Hair Sheep Lambs: $200-$250/lb
Ewes: $175-$250/hd


Goats: Price:
Kids: $100-$155/hd
Nannies: $100-$200/per hd
Wethers: $175-$350/hd
Billies: $175-$400/hd

Total Head:

Total Head:
Total Cattle: 625
Total Hogs: 244
Total Sheep and Goats: 760
Total Livestock: 1629

Prices as of October 4th & October 5th 2024 All out of state blackface or blackfacnloaded and sold. All out of state bucks over 6 months of age regardless of breed must have elisa brucellosis blood test.

All sheep and goats MUST have scrapie tags.
We will begin charges at $15/hd or more to tag them here.

call 1-866-USDATAG

Friday cattle sales begins11AM
Saturday Hog/Sheep/goat sale begins 9AM