Market Report by Muleshoe Livestock Auction Inc.

Market Report by Muleshoe Livestock Auction Inc.

Cattle: April 19, 2024

Cattle: Price:
200-300 LB STRS: $300-$400 wt
300-400 LB STRS: $250-$325
400-500 LB STRS: $235-$315 wt
500-600 LB STRS: $225-$275 wt
600-700 LB STRS: $225-$250
700-800 LB STRS: $220-$248
800 up LB STRS: $210-$229.10
Cattle: Price:
200-300 LB HFRS: $250-$325 wt
300-400 LB HFRS: $225-$300 wt
400-500 LB HFRS: $220-$265 wt
500-600 LB HFRS: $215-$245 wt
600-700 LB HFRS: $215-$240 wt
700-800 LB HFRS: $190-$220
800 up LB HFRS: $180-$208
Cattle: Price:
Pairs: 20 pairs $3000-$3250
Bred Cows: ---
Packer Cows-High Yield: $115-$128 wt
Packer Cows-Low Yield: $90-$110 wt
Holsteins: $105-$128 wt
Bulls: $135-$155
Holstein Hfrs: $100-$165wt


Hogs: Price:
Feeder Pigs: $100-$150/per lb
200-300 LB Hogs: $70-$100
300-400 LB Sows: $35-$65
400-500 LB Sows: $40-$60
500-600 LB Sows: $40-$50
Boars: --


Sheep: Price:
Lambs-Fder: $205-$235
Lambs-Fat: $185-$220
Bucks: $180-$300/pr hd
Hair Sheep Lambs: $220-$285 wt
Ewes: $100-$160/hd


Goats: Price:
Kids: $75-$165/hd
Nannies: $125-$250/per hd
Wethers: $200-$250/hd
Billies: $200-$400/hd

Total Head:

Total Head:
Total Cattle: 875
Total Hogs: 149
Total Sheep and Goats: 825
Total Livestock: 1849

Prices as of April 12th & 13th 2024 All out of state blackface or blackfacnloaded and sold. All out of state bucks over 6 months of age regardless of breed must have elisa brucellosis blood test.

NO Sale May 24th or May 25th


All sheep and goats MUST have scrapie tags.
We will begin charges at $15/hd or more to tag them here.

call 1-866-USDATAG

Friday cattle sales begins11AM
Saturday Hog/Sheep/goat sale begins 9AM